Greetings 1A Families!
It was such a pleasure to get to chat with you all last week. Thank you for taking the time to meet with me and invest in your child's success at school. I am thankful for the fruitful conversations as we work to pursue the truth, beauty and goodness!
This coming week is the book fair and readathon. Students may visit the book fair in the mornings after checking in to the classroom, during lunch/recess and after school with a parent. If you wish to have your child visit the book fair after school, please pick them up and then come in. We are looking forward to a wonderful week celebrating reading!
A Message from our music teacher, Ms. Weddle:
Our Winter Concert is quickly approaching! It will be at Higley Center for the Performing Arts on November 20 th. Students’ attire for our performances is NOT school uniform. Gentlemen are expected to wear a plain white dress shirt, black pants, black socks and black closed toed shoes. Solid dark colored vests and ties are optional for gentlemen. Ladies are expected to wear a white top, black skirt, black tights and black closed toed shoes. Please have your first graders at Higley Center for the Performing Arts by 5pm.
Please visit or email for questions regarding the concert!
A Message from our P.E. Coach, Miss Warren:
I have heard a lot of interest from the kids about running club and I want to make sure everyone has information on this. The field is getting reseeded next week and we are not allowed on the field for 3 weeks after it is done. Because of this, we cannot begin running club until after Thanksgiving break. A flyer should have been sent home on Friday of last week. Thank you all for your help with this, and if you have anymore questions please let me know.
Nightly: Read for 15 min. using the book bags.
Please have your child practice our monthly poem for 1 minute each night. A copy of the poem will be sent home or find it here!
Phonograms to practice nightly: aw, au, ay, ai, ng, gn, n, kn, eigh, a
Monday: No School
Tuesday: law, ask, just, way, get, home, much and math workbook pg. 85-88
Wednesday: and math workbook pg. 93-95
Thursday: Review all words and phonograms and math workbook pg. 99-101
Friday: Please read a book of your child's choice for 15 minutes.
Idiom: Never Leave Till Tomorrow What You Can Do Today
Poetry: Thanksgiving Day by Lydia Maria Child
*Students will only recite 1/2 of the poem.
Spalding: Due to having no school on Monday as well as Halloween/Read-A-Thon on Thursday, we will only learn 7 new words this week. On Thursday, we will review all 7 words. On Friday, we will have a test on all 7 words and 10 phonograms.
Phonograms to practice nightly: aw, au, ay, ai, ng, gn, n, kn, eigh, a
Monday: No School
Tuesday: law, ask, just, way, get, home, much and wkbk page 85-88
Wednesday:: home, much, call, long, love and wkbk pg 93-95
Thursday: Review all words and phonograms and wkbk pg. 99-101
Grammar/Writing: Students will continue to review nouns & verbs. Students will practice identifying these words within sentences and write sentences of their own with at least 1 noun and verb.
Literature: Please send your child to school with their copy of Frog and Toad are Friends. We will enjoy the first 3 chapters of the book as we get to know Frog and Toad!
Math: Students will count within 20 by making 10, read and write numerals 11 to 20 and their corresponding number words and compare and order numbers up to 20. We will finish the week with a test covering what we have learned over the week.
Science: We will be learning about tidal patterns, the Gulf Stream, and identify and describe the ocean zones.
History: This week we will discuss hieroglyphic writing, and learn about the discovery of King Tut's tomb!
Literature: We will continue to read Frog and Toad as we enjoy chapters 4 and 5.
Math: Students will add two one-digit numbers, using the “make 10” strategy and add a two-digit number and a one-digit number. Near the end of the week we will explore subtraction with a two digit number.
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