Monday, November 4, 2019

Week 13!

Good Morning!

We had a wonderful day celebrating Reading this week! Scholars enjoyed an assembly, buddy reading with 4th grade and many books and activities during our class celebration.  Thank you to all those who helped and to our class moms for decorating our classroom and arranging the crafts for us! What a great day!

Thank you to those who completed the homework survey! The results guide us as we aim to be as effective as possible.  Please note our first grade homework guidelines. 15 minutes is allotted for nightly reading and 15-25 minutes for all other homework (Spalding and math).  If you find that homework is taking longer than this, please let me know. Please also reach out with any questions or concerns regarding homework needs. Thank you!

 Concert Information from Ms. Weddle: 

Our Winter Concert is quickly approaching! It will be at Higley Center for the Performing Arts on November 20 th.  Students’ attire for our performances is NOT school uniform. Gentlemen are expected to wear a plain white dress shirt, black pants, black socks and black closed toed shoes. Solid dark colored vests and ties are optional for gentlemen. Ladies are expected to wear a white top, black skirt, black tights and black closed toed shoes. Please have your first graders at Higley Center for the Performing Arts by 5pm.
Please visit or email for questions regarding the concert!
Concert Attire Information
The PSO normally has a uniform exchange to help families with putting together concert attire, but they needed to move the date of the exchange for the Prep's awesome playoff game! Unfortunately the exchange is now after the concert, Nov. 20th. If you would like to use the uniform exchange, please email Deanna Carpenter at 
The dress attire for the concert will be as follows:
Boys: Black pants, white dress shirt, black dress shoes, and black socks.  Hair should be combed neatly.
Girls: Black skirt, white top, black tights, and black dress shoes. Hair should be pulled away from the face with no distracting adornment. Please follow the Archway Arete dress code for guidelines on jewelry.

 Nightly: Read for 15 min. using the book bags and bubblegum math practice for 2 minutes.
Please have your child practice our monthly poem for 1 minute each night. A copy of the poem will be sent home or find it here!
Phonograms to practice nightly: th, ou, ea, ow, er, ear, oo, ch, ck, sh
Monday:  then, house, year, to, I and math wkbk. pg. 108-110
Tuesday: as, send, alone, lone, one and math wkbk. pg. 111-113
Wednesday: has, some, if, how, her and math wkbk. pg. 114-117
Thursday: Review all words and phonograms 1x and Test B
Friday: Please read a book of your child's choice for 15 minutes. 

Idiom: Never Leave Till Tomorrow What You Can Do Today

Poetry: Thanksgiving Day by Lydia Maria Child
*Students will only recite 1/2 of the poem. 

Spalding: We will learn 15 new words this week. On Thursday, we will review all 15 words. On Friday, we will have a test on all 15 words and 10 phonograms.
Phonograms to practice nightly: th, ou, ea, ow, er, ear, oo, ch, ck, sh
Monday:  then, house, year, to, I
Tuesday: as, send, alone, lone, one
Wednesday: has, some, if, how, her
Thursday: Review all words and phonograms 1x

Grammar/Writing: This week we will read narrative passages from Charlotte's web and write sentences about the story. We will finish up our unit on Nouns and Verbs and take an assessment on Thursday. 

History: We will wrap up our unit on ancient Egypt and begin our study of Three World Religions starting with Judaism.  

Science: This week we identify the parts of a fish and learn some facts about different ocean creatures.

Math: We will continue to learn strategies and practice two-digit subtraction.  We will have a test on Friday and will begin learning about shapes!

Literature: We will finish the last few chapters of Frog and Toad are Friends! We will begin Frog and Toad Together on Friday.  Please ensure that your child has their copy of the book at school.

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