Good Morning!
I’m looking forward to seeing everyone this week!
Have a happy Monday & a happy week of half days!
Nightly: Read for 15 min. using the book bags.
Please have your child practice our monthly poem for 1 minute each night. A copy of the poem will be sent home or find it here!
Phonograms to practice nightly: oo, ng, ow, ar, ch, o, k, r, l, gn
Monday: lot, box, school, belong, door, floor and math wkbk pg. 73-76
Tuesday: yes, low, soft, stand, stands and wkbk pg. 77-79
Wednesday: yard, bring, tell, five, ball and math wkbk pg. 80-82
Thursday: Review all words and phonograms and 6.1 Test B
Friday: Please read a book of your child's choice for 15 minutes.
Idiom: Practice Makes Perfect
Poetry: The Purple Cow by Gelett Burgess
I never saw a purple cow;
I never hope to see one;
But I can tell you, anyhow,
I'd rather see the be one.
Spalding: We will learn 16 new words this week because we have two words that should be learned together. On Thursday, we will review all 16 words. On Friday, we will have a test on all 16 words and 10 phonograms.
Phonograms to practice nightly: oo, ng, ow, ar, ch, o, k, r, l, gn
Monday: lot, box, school, belong, door, floor
Tuesday: yes, low, soft, stand, stands
Wednesday: yard, bring, tell, five, ball
Thursday: Review all words and phonograms
Grammar/Writing: We will review nouns and verbs and how to use them in a sentence when speaking and writing. We will also read and write about passages from Peter Rabbit.
Literature: Please send your child to school with their copy of Frog and Toad are Friends. We will enjoy the first 3 chapters of the book as we get to know Frog and Toad!
Math: Students will count within 20 by making 10, read and write numerals 11 to 20 and their corresponding number words and compare and order numbers up to 20. We will finish the week with a test covering what we have learned over the week.
History: Our study of ancient Egypt will continue with learning about pyramids, the Sphinx, and Egyptian gods and goddesses.
Science: Students will learn about oceans, including low and high tides and tide pools.
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